Click here to see a list of all our member companies.
The Federation has two levels of membership: Full Membership and Associate Membership.
Full Membership of the Federation is open to any UK company manufacturing bread or bread and confectionery products with an annual turnover in excess of £10,000,000 measured in terms of net sales to customers.
Associate Membership is open to any food industry related businesses that does not meet full membership criteria, including industry suppliers and other interested parties.
Membership Benefits
Full Membership of the Federation is open to any UK company manufacturing bread or bread and confectionery products with an annual turnover in excess of £10,000,000 measured in terms of net sales to customers.
Member companies each get a seat and a vote on Federation Ltd Board, our decision-making body, and benefit from a range of key membership services:
- Information and Consultation on a wide range of issues affecting the industry
- Representation of members interests to Government and regulatory bodies
- Interaction with members and other food industry representatives for exchange of information
- Promotion of members’ products and the nutritional benefits of bread as the nation’s staple food
- Value Added Services including:
- Daily Bread News
- Key industry statistical data including annual bakery market update including bread production, sales, market trends, occupational health and accident rates
- Updates on technical and legislative issues, health & safety issues, industry research and special reports
- Health and safety initiatives including ‘A Bakers’ Dozen’ the industry’s health and safety bible and ‘Guidance on Dust Control in Bakeries’ as well as more general guidance
- Access to Members only web based data and a company profile and reciprocal website link
- Industry conference and members’ networking dinner.
Full members subscriptions are based on weekly net turnover at a rate set annually by FOB Limited Board.
Associate Membership is open to any food industry related businesses that does not meet full membership criteria, including industry suppliers and other interested parties.
Click here to see a list of our Associate Members.
Associate Members get access to a range of Federation services but do not get a seat on the Board or voting rights. The cost is currently £750 plus VAT per year and includes:
- Daily Bread News
- Industry statistics
- Complimentary copies of all Federation reports and publications
- Access to the FOB annual conference and other special events including a members’ networking dinner
- Access to the FOB Health and Safety Committee resources and opportunity to participate in our quarterly FHSC meetings
- Access to the members’ extranet
- Company profile and reciprocal link on the FOB website.
If you would like to join our growing list of Associate Members please download an Application Form and email to:
Associate Membership Application 01-25
Full Membership Application 01-25